Tuck Magic Story

I love playing golf.  My shirts were coming partially untucked after every 2-3 swings, after bending down to mark a ball on the green, place the ball back down on the green and after pulling the ball from the cup.  I found myself tucking my shirt in 3-5 times per hole.  This happened enough that I went on the Internet to find a solution.

The products I found on the Internet all had issues that kept me from wanting to buy or use them.  Some like standard shirt stay undergarment suspenders wouldn’t work with shorts and had the issue of ruining shirts or socks or both.

Other products had adjustable under belts that use hook and loop fasteners and adjusters that could snag shirts, ties or other materials.  Regular wider rubber belts used a metal button to adjust, many reported this broke too easily, sometime the first time it was used.

There were some modern products that used magnets, but they seemed bulky and came with a page full of warnings about electronic devices, credit cards and medical devices etc.  On top of those issues they were expensive and didn’t really solve shirts coming untucked in the back.

I noticed that most of these products were focused on the military, police, business, and uniform users.  Some mentioned sports, but were not focused on this aspect.

So there I was with a problem and not great solution, not a solution good enough for me to shell out some cash for anyway.

Works great while golfing.

 I also use it with my shirts for work.


Tuck Magic - Patent Pending

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MSRP  $9.99

I thought about it for a while and decided that I was going to invent the best solution,  a band with great elasticity.  It would be one size fits most, with no moving parts, i.e. adjusters, fasteners, or etc. it would be easy to use and wouldn’t ruin any clothing.   It could be manufactured from a new polymer silicone rubber that would be very elastic, flexible, and have a high coefficient of friction, but would not have the downfalls of regular latex rubbers, mainly smelly and lack of durability.  Regular rubber becomes brittle when exposed to sunlight, ages, or is stretched many times.

By working together with a silicone rubber manufacturer we were able to prototype, and then complete the designs of the Tuck Magic Shirt Stay Band.  The product was stress tested, worn for days and weeks, until the optimal material, length, width and thickness were found.  

Tuck Magic is worn over the shirt (golf, sports jerseys, dress shirts, casual shirts, uniforms, and all others) but under the waist band of shorts, pants, or skirts. The elasticity is similar to that of an undergarment waistband, not binding, but tight enough to stay put.  

Now, this Patent Pending product is available to purchase.

So, whether you are a man or a woman, are in business, sports, military, police, delivery, or service personnel, Tuck Magic will work for you.

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Shirt Stay Band

Tuck Magic

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# 147

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